Mailart 365
Making mailart every day since December 1st, 2010!

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365.2 #4 - Timely rose

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Another day and another piece finished after midnight the day after it was due. I'm determined to get 365 done in 365 days and am trying to cram them in on the day they are "due", but I'm finding that that's not always possible as I'm always doing things.

The wording came about because I had to fill in the gap around the rose and I only had about a minute left before midnight so had to do something quickly. As it turns out it worked. Phew.

Tomorrow's another day

The lesson for tonight is that some aspects of drawing are easier when drunk and some are harder :-)

Ah well - depends how you define a day. Could be midnight or could be just when your actual day finishes...

It's always midnight somewhere. And it's always before midnight somewhere else. Just consider yourself in California, and you probably have a few hours left. Unless you ARE in California...

Both perfectly valid and useful points :-) I will use all definitions as they suit. Thanks ladies you've got me off the hook!

Love this with the text. Great solution. Oh yes, Sue.

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