Mailart 365
Making mailart every day since December 1st, 2010!

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PostMuse Gets Prepared

I'm not real good with creating off the top of my head. I need a bit of organization. I do have a theme for my 365 creations, but not sure if I will be able stick to it, so preparing might help.

The box contains lots of bits and pieces, sorted into individual and series postcard ideas. It is just plain white cardstock separating the ideas, and I may use that cardstock to sketch out, in pictures or words, what I want the postcard to look like. Just the idea, not the whole thing, so that when I pick up the box to make my daily card, at least I have something to work with, even if I throw it all out the window and go with something completely different.

There are enough ideas in the box to create about 80 postcards, but I'll add to it as I go along. There is a small basket beside the box which has colored cardstock that I often use for background. There's plenty of background to complete the whole year, but I do like to make my own backgrounds, so I have a huge stash of precut postcard that are very heavy cardstock. I rescued that stash from the trash at my former workplace. The cardstock is wicked shiny, so difficult to work with, but I'm getting better with it.

Wow PostMuse, that is really inspiring. Somehow looks a bit better than the random piles, baskets, drawers I have going. I think I'll follow your lead and get some cards going now with background. I'm anticipating days when I feel totally uninspired or haggard and it would be good to just be able to complete a card that day rather than be faced with the dread blank page. Thanks.

I too have a set of postcards that have patterns on them. Whenever I use blank cards it scares me a bit, but I find patterned postcards or commercial cards usually give me a few pointers of where to go.

I tried the whole "seat of your pants" experience with NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) this month, and failed miserably, so I don't want to repeat that. I'm best when I'm prepared (my own blog has posts written months in advance), and I think that's why this project will work for me. I can be prepared, but still create with some spontaneity. I really do plan to create (at least) one card a day for 365 days, though I'm still debating whether to mail as they are created or hold off and mail altogether at the end.

Thank you Andy for coming up with such a great project!

I am not sure yet...

i will be just going with the flow cause i am that kind of Sagittarius

I'm Sagittarius, too, born 22 Nov, so it must be the Scorpio that makes me want to be organized :-)

Haha, wow this is cool. I admire you for being this organized. I work basically the exact opposite. Although, that's a really good idea to have a theme. I never thought about doing that. Hmmm.

Hah! I tried NanoWriMo this month too and I completely bombed. I got like 800 words the first day and that's it. Although, it did lead to my new appreciation for Steven McQueen, so I guess it wasn't a total waste. :)

Well, whichever way we all go about doing this, I think the results will be fantastic. I'm so glad this is happening.

NaNoWriMo always scared me. Deadlines. Yuck. Think I can manage the one a day though. How hard can it be? (Famous last words if I ever heard them)

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