Mailart 365
Making mailart every day since December 1st, 2010!

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Thanks for visiting Mailart 365. This site is an archive of mailart produced by artists doing mailart 365 from December 2010 to August 2016. As of July 2016, we moved to a new and more modern site at Come on over and check us out there


021 - Koi envelope

Since I've been in Hanoi, I've been rather paranoid about post not arriving at it's destination as I've heard lots of stories about post going missing. However, we've been quite lucky and all of the post that we've sent since we got to Vietnam has arrived at it's destination, albeit slowly.

Because of the distance and the fragile nature of some of our pieces, we've taken to sending a lot of our post in envelopes. Whenever I put a piece in an envelope however, I always feel that there's something taken away, and I've taken to illustrating the envelopes too. I was particularly pleased with my last piece as the combination of envelope and contents really matched well, so I wanted to do another envelope/contents matchup.

This time, the piece inside was made a LONG time ago. I can actually pinpoint exactly when it was made, December 11, 2010 right at the start of the mailart 365 project! This piece, Zen Pond, was meant to go out with a quilled flower by Elena.

However, Elena and I wondered how we were going to post the 3D water lily flower and ended up not sending it at all. It remained on the outbox pile for years and we ended up having to pack it in our suitcase to bring it to Vietnam with us in order to finish it. The waterlilly stayed at home.

I needed a suitable envelope as the pond is tissue paper and paint, so I got out my trusty Sharpie markers and set about making one and the envelope is todays mailart.

It's actually changed it's destination as well, as I had already written the address when I started drawing.

Here are the envelope and contents side by side

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