Mailart 365
Making mailart every day since December 1st, 2010!

Mailart 365 has moved

Thanks for visiting Mailart 365. This site is an archive of mailart produced by artists doing mailart 365 from December 2010 to August 2016. As of July 2016, we moved to a new and more modern site at Come on over and check us out there


#MA.4 - Threshold Experiment


#2.168 - Threshold Paint
#2.168 - back
sent from: Esher, Surrey, UK. destination: Shenstone, Staffs, UK
When you spend your career blessed to be working with supremely talented artistic people, it is inevitable that you regard your own scratchings with a critical eye. But, part of this project is to experiment, to start from somewhere, wherever that may be, and to try again, fail, learn, improve and hopefully with time make something I am not embarrassed by. It's not that what's on the front of this card is bad, but it's not particularly good, either. I'm trying to introduce colour into my sketches, and in a way that I can take with me wherever I happen to be. I'm using nice watercolour pencils with no clue of how to really use them. This is part of a piece of concept art for the entrance space to a small Egyptology museum in London that we worked on in Birmingham earlier in the week.
I send a postcard a day - a project called postcardwala. 
You can see them here, and like it on facebook here

This is great. I think that comparison is a curse that artists inflict on themselves. I occasionally compare myself with others in my day job as a teacher but nowhere near as harshly as when I compare my art with other artists. I wonder why this is?

Thanks Andy. Yeah I think it's a struggle for anyone who tries to put art into the world - it's what has stopped me for a good 15-20 years from even trying. Now I am refusing to let the voices stop me, although I cannot ignore their existence!


This is the beauty of mail art, it allows you to experiment with art on a small scale. Somehow that seems less intimidating, at least for me. You have got 363 more days to put your art out there. Have fun with it. I like this piece by the way!

Thank you Laura. I do post every day, just not here as I have my own site - Mostly I write, the initial goal was to play with different experiments in writing. However as time has gone on I've re-discovered a love of sketching and art, so I've made those. When Andy invited me to join the 365 mailart I seized the opportunity to do so, so I try to produce at least one piece of visual art a week and post it here.

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