Mailart 365
Making mailart every day since December 1st, 2010!

Mailart 365 has moved

Thanks for visiting Mailart 365. This site is an archive of mailart produced by artists doing mailart 365 from December 2010 to August 2016. As of July 2016, we moved to a new and more modern site at Come on over and check us out there


82/where now, birdie?


Thank you - loving your work too :>)

We were awesome today! I am still buzzing. Mailart as a tool to educate and inspire. Who woulda thought...;-)

What did you do? Tell us!

Conference presentation - 'Lecturemeet' - all about postcards! Andy and I set up a project with undergrads to help them reflect on memories of school and the starting point was... create a postcard (actually create 5). All very inclusive, non-judgmental - got everyone talking, sharing, thinking. Brilliant art and got a lot of energy in the classes. Great fun to collaborate with Andy :-))) More info about this on Andy's blog - and where's my blog apart from this, you might ask? Well, coming soon...

Hi Andy - yup I was in a REALLY good mood after that and we had loads more we could have said. Hope you had a nice relax at the allotment ;>)

Sounds fab. Maybe we should do an undergrad/grad swap with one of the unis I collaborate with next year... if I'm still doing it. We make mailart presents to each other in response to their presentations. Allotment! Andy, tell me more. Maybe we should do a month of allotment mailart, the timing could be right.

Some early blog posts about the project are 5 postcards 1 and 5 postcards 2.

We decided to skip the allotment as Elena had been waiting for a while by the time I finally got free. I have managed to kill most of our seedlings anyway.

Rebecca you're right we should knock our heads together and collaborate on a mailart project in education. Perhaps we can have a meet and make mailart and discuss?

Sounds perfect. Just let me get through the next six weekdays. (When it rains it pours). I am in four different school settings doing four totally different things. I like to keep things open until the last minute, so always feeling flustered and on edge before and momentarily during. Off to cut cardboard.

Hope you got the cardboard cut by now Rebecca... I love the idea of a uni link/swap and I love the idea of allotment art - weed-art? :>)

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