Mailart 365
Making mailart every day since December 1st, 2010!

Mailart 365 has moved

Thanks for visiting Mailart 365. This site is an archive of mailart produced by artists doing mailart 365 from December 2010 to August 2016. As of July 2016, we moved to a new and more modern site at Come on over and check us out there


#1 - Winterlands


My first attempt at uploading. Not very tech savvy. I have two more. One is another postcard I made online this week. The other is mixed media and hopefully will be done before midnight.

it looks like a blowfish.
it's fuc*ing awesome!

Hi Amysue - Welcome on board!

I've added your 365 link in the sidebar. Just make sure you add the label "amysue" to each of your posts!


Pretty neat. My first thought was Ka-Pow!

This arrived last week Amysue!

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