Mailart 365
Making mailart every day since December 1st, 2010!

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#98 - Cooking With Wine

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Ah yes ... I remember the "dark ages." Actually, most days I think we in the US are still living in the dark ages, which according to this vintage cooking pamphlet, is "B.C. - Before Commonsense."

I would love to cook more with wine, but it is more fun to drink wine. I read somewhere that you should never ever cook with wine that you would not drink. I remember back in my 20s using wine in my cooking that had been open for weeks. These days a wine bottle is open for three days, max. And I'm not sharing it with the food.

Oh, I understand now. The wine goes into the pot! Funny story and card.

I have a recipe for drunken pasta that always knocks people for a loop if you would like.

And just wanted to plug my mail art cookbook call, would love to see this piece there. You can email the jpg if you want! Or will trade for a postcard with some wine recipes.

Ps I always drop a bit of red wine towards the end o making a pasta sauce.

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