Mailart 365
Making mailart every day since December 1st, 2010!

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Thanks for visiting Mailart 365. This site is an archive of mailart produced by artists doing mailart 365 from December 2010 to August 2016. As of July 2016, we moved to a new and more modern site at Come on over and check us out there


#49 - Shaken, Not Stirred

If I were financially solvent right now, I'd donate to WIkipedia, just for this Shaken, Not Stirred entry alone. I wouldn't base a scholarly thesis on it, nor would I use it as my sole source in a journalistic piece, but it entertains and informs.

I found the Ian Fleming postage in my huge stamp stash last week. I love James Bond movies. All of them. But, I've only read one James Bond novel, and I don't even remember which one. I just remember that I didn't enjoy it nearly as much as the movies.

Vellum paper is wicked fussy. The glue shows through, and the scan just makes it look all the more obvious. It isn't that obvious on the actual card. Eventually I'll find an adhesive for vellum that doesn't show through, and stands up to the mail system.

I love it when stamps and images meld. This is a great piece Postmuse

Thank you, Andy. It was a fun card to make :-)

I would love a martini right now. I'm at the airport ... it is snowing at both my destinations. Original flight canceled and now I'm hoping rescheduled flight takes off. A martini would be really, really nice. But it is only 9:31 am. I'm about to dig out some more stuff out of my art-to-go stash and relax with mailart, but I fear that the moment I do that, there will be another gate change.

There are some situations which merit a martini before 10am. I think you're in one, When in doubt have a bloody mary, the morning drink!

It's 5 o'clock somewhere! BTW, love anything Bond related (Daniel Craig can rule he world as far as I'm concerned)!

It is 4:30 pm and I'm still trying to complete a 2 hour flight from Boston to Pittsburgh. In Baltimore now. I'll be home in two hours. I could have driven in less time. I'm SO having one of those cheap airplane wines when I get on that plane. 

If you didn't have any martini yet here, have one from me.

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