Mailart 365
Making mailart every day since December 1st, 2010!

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Thanks for visiting Mailart 365. This site is an archive of mailart produced by artists doing mailart 365 from December 2010 to August 2016. As of July 2016, we moved to a new and more modern site at Come on over and check us out there


Air Mail Envelope 23 May 2011 (#101)

My eldest daughter, Hannah, made this "airmail envelope" after she insisted on picking up a few sheets of airmail stickers from The Post Office.

Hannah has good taste & color sense!

very original. love it.

from the looks of this picture, i think she'll end up in business.
it looks like a stock chart!!!

very cool idea to use supplies from the PO, but you should keep it to yourselves! now everyone will be doing it and soon they'll start charging for stickers!

I get so many of those air mail stickers and never know what to do with them. Must be great to have a creative daughter.

Do you think they make any real difference? Would they really send them by ship if you didn't attach one of these?

These blue airmail stickers are readily available by the Post & Go machines at one of the Post Offices we regularly visit so there is an almost "endless" supply but sshhhhh, don't tell anybody else!
I spoke about whether these airmail labels are really necessary at a Postcrossing meeting I went to a few weeks ago and one lady said she sent off a few cards to Europe and it didn't seem to make any difference, they all arrived.
I always put one on as it makes any mail look more official/important although I'm probably kidding myself that it makes any real difference as to the speed with which any letters bearing them get there!
Hannah made a second one using them so more on the way in the next day or so...

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