Mailart 365
Making mailart every day since December 1st, 2010!

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73 - Cyclo

Made while in Vietnam on honeymoon.

Cyclo drivers are a downtrodden group. Many are former South Vietnamese soldiers who were denied the right to own businesses after the American-Vietnam war ended, and so they live a miserable existence cycling people around, Many own nothing but their cyclos, and you will see them at night sleeping in them.

To make things worse for them, the Vietnamese government are looking to phase them out in some cities, and deny them access to some roads.

Many lead a very hard life, so if you do get a chance to, get yourself on to one of these before they phase them out. You'll be doing them a huge favour. (But do make sure you agree the price first as they are sadly prone to ripping off tourists)


The card is great, but the story makes it so poignant. These guys have got to be in their late 50s or 60s, so this has got to be a horrible life. Thanks for sharing their story with us. And so glad that you & Elena are back!

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