Mailart 365
Making mailart every day since December 1st, 2010!

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80-365 Q is for Quasi-stellar radio source

Well tonight I confided in my family that I was in a quantifiable quagmire of a quandary over what to do for the letter Q. My husband is an amateur rocket scientist and all around space nerd and my 16 year old daughter is a very switched on, plucky physics student, so naturally talk turned to Quasars. I tried hard to pay attention as husband explained them to me, but eventually could only think about how pretty they are. I didn't think I could draw one, but after looking at a few pictures, thought I might attempt a watercolor.

The source for this picture and all the info explaining their truly awesome existence came from the wikipedia page.

WOAH! That is a great picture of a QUASAR! I've taught physics most of my adult life and didn't appreciate until I saw this just how beautiful these things are. I guess I've always compartmentalised the arts and sciences. Thanks for bringing them together!

Love it - although like you I have no clue what a quasar is.

It's all in the title Okami - Quasi Stellar Radio Source! I guess that didn't make it any clearer right...?

Thanks Andy. I actually do understand them, it's just that when talk turns to deep space I can get a little lost because each thing that you know only leads to 100,000 other things that you don't know and I always feel like I'm traveling farther down this path than I intended. The funny thing is my husband is an engineer for Google and when he starts to talk about the inner workings of the internet I get the same feeling.

Good one. Quite different and I'll bet it's a beauty in the real.

never ride in rockets built by amateurs.
it's not safe. ;-)

Took a while to arrive, but it's here at my REAL wall towers! Hope you are having fun in Vietnam JJ, just call me if you need anything translated...

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