Mailart 365
Making mailart every day since December 1st, 2010!

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#68 "Happy Postcrossing" - CarCrashArt#5

I did it! I stuck my blanks and a pen in my purse!
I had a few minutes' wait at the unemployment office today, about 15 minutes wait at the car registration office, and we waited for a while today for a job applicant at DH's work that ended up never showing up, so I got to doodle away while waiting! In time that's usually wasted, I ended up getting this card done!
This'll be #68 in my effort to catch up, and it's CarCrashArt#5!

I'm really glad you're numbering your car crash pieces! It would get awfully confusing if you didn't...

hihi...if I'm going to make a "thing" of the CarCrashArt, might as well number them.
I added that onto the back of the cards as well. Who knows, in 100 years they may be worth something for my great-great-grandkids LOL (ok, I know! Just making fun!)

Are the car crash ones the ones you're working backwards?

the "CarCrashArt" is a new term that Andy coined last night. I'm wearing a spling on my right hand due to carpal tunnel syndrome, so I can't work real well ...gotta go easy on the wrist, plus the splint really deminishes my mobility.
I did some doodle cards etc. with the splint on, and those are what we've named CarCrashArt.
Some will go backwards, but depending on how long I have to wear this thing, there'll be some of the new ones part of CarCrashArt, too.
Since the last time I needed the splint was only 2 months ago, I'm guessing I'll sporadically be limited to CarCrashArt in the future, too!

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