Mailart 365
Making mailart every day since December 1st, 2010!

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Winnie's Girl 36 Alphabet: !

 "Do not attempt to emphasize simple statements by using a mark of exclamation."
-From Elements of Style by Strunk and White
Exclamation marks are so exciting, but I enjoyed finding this grumpy quote, so I made this piece to reflect that.  I like how the serious cowboy stamp goes with the mood.

But I am excited because I made a fold-over postcard that hides the message!  I've seen these sold, but never bought or made one before.  Let's see how it goes through the mail. I'm going to tape it shut after I show it to my boyfriend. :)

Great idea. I've used store bought ones before that had adhesive on them but I've never made one before. Let us know how it worked. I guess that's really up to Mim isn't it?

Hehe - when I was looking up comic book exclamation marks for my alphabet, I came across loads of grumpy quotes like this! Early comic book dialogue had loads of exclamation marks in it

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