I love how cheerful the animals look in the 1950s ad for the Right Way to Carve booklet. And look at the price of the booklet! 25¢ ... coins only in Canada ... wonder if people actually wrote checks for 25¢ in the US?
I had the ad and the image of the hearty hunter with his kill paired for some time, but Mim would have had no way of knowing that, so when she sent me a bit of her own vintage cooking ephemera that included a diagram of how veal is carved it was just serendipity. I carved that up for this card.
People often assume that since I'm vegetarian I will be put off by even the idea of eating meat. That's probably true for many vegetarians, but not me. My ethical reasons for not eating meat only came about in adulthood. When I was a teen I didn't like the taste or texture and raw meat was just gross. Didn't help that my mom, a city girl gone country, raised poultry and one cow for meat and often included the names of the animals on the butchered meat in the freezer.
This card will go to my mom, because, in all honesty, she is the only one of the 7670 contacts (actual number as of this morning) in my address book who I know won't be put off by the image of a man with a dead animal slung over his shoulders.
February 4, 2011 at 2:37 PM
Nice use of those images. Happy little animals! Glad you could use my ephemera.
February 4, 2011 at 6:11 PM
Wow, that's quite a contact list!
I'm still wondering, though: should you carve standing or sitting? I always sit when I carve rubber stamps, but maybe I'm doing it wrong?? :^)
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