The background on this card is a wrapper from fast food chain Chipotle. I don't much like fast food chains, but I make a sometimes exception for Chipotle. Their ingredients and practices, while not always perfect, are a gazillion times better than other fast food chains.
However, on a recent visit I experience a bit of a surprise that I want to address. The prep staff brushed the excess filling from the stainless prep surface back into the serving bins! So, I am sending this postcard to the general manager of that particular restaurant just to let him know it surprised me. It am all for not wasting, especially food, but I think a line needs to be drawn at reusing food. I know the stainless surface was not dirty, but, still, it was a bit weird. I'm glad my sandwich had already been made at that point.
My message to the manager is upbeat and supportive. I don't think this is a practice at the restaurant, I think it is was just the staff not really thinking what they were doing. It happens. If it happens over and over, I might get upset, though.
Since I didn't want to waste the rest of the wrapper, I made five more cards on the same theme. I thought it would be cool to send to mailart friends, who do reuse every day, but then I thought "I'm preaching to the choir." Not sure what I will do with the others ... perhaps use them to encourage non-mailart friends to try mailart? The others are on my Flickr page, English set and International set. Please note ... it has been many years since my university Japanese classes.
January 28, 2011 at 9:51 AM
Yes I'm usually all down for reuse, but have to draw the line where you did! There's something very wrong about that...
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