Mailart 365
Making mailart every day since December 1st, 2010!

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47 - Evolution of the drive


Today was just one of those days where the ideas were there but the results just didn't really match the expectation.

I had a picture of a Skoda and wanted to turn it into a horse-drawn carriage, but didn't really pull it off.

I had intended to leave some of the labels off to show the modern car beneath, but it didn't look great.

The horses were way too complicated for me to draw too, so they look like mice.

As a horse drawn Skoda this fails on many levels, but I've tried to see this in a positive light and consider that as a mouse drawn hearse it's not bad.


Why, that's the lovliest mouse drawn hearse I've ever seen.

I think that makes me feel better. I'm not sure but I'll take it as a compliment JJ

I go through the same thing, which is why I rarely draw. I applaud you for doing it anyway. And for the record, I think this piece is wonderful!

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