Mailart 365
Making mailart every day since December 1st, 2010!

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Thanks for visiting Mailart 365. This site is an archive of mailart produced by artists doing mailart 365 from December 2010 to August 2016. As of July 2016, we moved to a new and more modern site at Come on over and check us out there


48 - Out of the jungle


This week I was so excited about art class. Totally hyped, I jumped on my brand new racing bicycle and shot off like a bullet from work at 5 on the nose, to try and get the 10 miles to Camden Town in an hour. On reflection this was perhaps a little optimistic.

I have had the shittiest luck with bikes lately, having had 2 stolen last year outside my house.

Both were second hand, but I spent loads getting them repaired, so this time I decided to buy a brand new one. Chuffed to bits I was, whizzing through Hyde Park until some idiot stopped in the bike lane right in front of me, and I smashed straight into the back of him and flew over the handlebars mangling my gears in the process (the bike gears that is, not my personal gears)

Why do I mention this? Because I was pissed off that I missed my art class as a result of this, and in the class, Elena learnt about painting the gaps, rather than the lines, and she came home and tried to explain it to me.

She explained it pretty badly, but I gave it a go with the new white pen we just bought and tried to fill in the white bits of the mountain, concentrating on the white bits instead of the outlines.

That went ok, but I had a vision that I wanted to be seeing this as if through a clearing in the trees and so this was born.


Oh I didn't know you were a fellow cyclist!! Yipee!! Ten milees, you're no slouch but, beware as you know idiots are lurking everywhere, always out to foil you!!
May I ask what kind of bike you have?

I took up cycling to work last year JJ, it's such a pain getting on buses. Just bought me a Claude Butler Criterium my first ever racer. Finding it totally different to what i'm used to, the body position is odd but so fast!

Are you going to get a new bike?

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