Mailart 365
Making mailart every day since December 1st, 2010!

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#42 - Future Farmers of America

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Last weekend I organized a few years worth of postally used stamps. I often rip interesting postage from envelopes and postcards and put them in a large clear box. Every so often I'll go into the box and pull out a handful of the scraps and soak the postage off to sort into themes. But, that practice never keeps up with the incoming. So, I filled a bucket with warm water, dumped ALL the scraps into it, and spent the next three hours pulling the stamps off the paper and setting the stamps aside to dry. It took up all of the countertop and most of the floor in our tiny kitchen. But it was worth it. I found some real gems in that stash, like the one I used for this postcard.

This stamp is from 1953. It is postally used, but the markings don't show. Future Farmers of America still exists and seems to be an extremely worthwhile organization. In the coming month I will research the organization, and perhaps support them.

This postcard is going to my significant other. He is extremely patient with me, especially when I disrupt one of the main rooms of our house for hours at a time with a sudden urge to organize, and he encourages me in all my various passions. And, this postcard is #42. That number plays a huge role in our relationship. I wrote a bit about it on my blog back in November.  I like that today's date is interesting, like the date I wrote about on the blog. I will be mailing this postcard. Greg has his own post office box and it turns out that I am going to be away for a few days, so he will get this while I'm gone.

Oh Postmuse I just read your blog about this, how lovely! I love this piece too, the effect is so subtle. I hear that you're volunteering today too. I'm hoping to get some in this year too, so perhaps we'll swap stories

Thank you, Andy. I am glad Greg will get a card when I'm away :-) And I did volunteer today. It was great. I got lots and lots of medical supplies sorted and they are on their way to countries in need this week! Some is going to Haiti, some to other countries, including Cuba.

I LOVE everything about this postcard. The look, the stamp, especially the story. I think you're very lucky to have found Greg. I have a partner that is very similar it sounds like.

I also love the future farmers of america. I grew up in rural California with a branch of the FFA on my high school campus. The day they slaughtered the cow I used to feed my lunchbox carrots to was the day I became a vegetarian, May 1987. So in a roundabout way I'm very thankful to them.

Thank you JJ! I was quite pleased with this card. And I'm very happy to have found Greg :-)

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