Mailart 365
Making mailart every day since December 1st, 2010!

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#35 - Supercali ... YIKES!

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I'm quite sure Mary Poppins did not have a spoonful of this sugar in mind to help the medicine go down. This candy, made in Serbia, tastes like the worst medicine. I bought it years ago because I love licorice, and I had received licorice candies from other countries in mail exchanges and enjoyed the candies very much. I found this particular candy at a local "European Market" (the shop mistress made sure she told me that at least a half dozen times) and had one in my mouth the second I was out the door. Yikes. I didn't make it to what appears to be the soft inside because it was just so awful.

I did save the bag, though, which I cut up for this postcard. The name of the candy is Negro, and the company, Pionir, notes that it is their trademark product and a "leader in the candy family." Hmmm ... maybe it is something only chimney sweeps can explain.

This is going to a penfriend in Norway who I haven't heard from in a long while. She also likes licorice.

My 10-yo and I had run-ins with licorice last month, for a project he was doing on candy in the Netherlands. We bought some salt licorice from dutchsweets-dot-com -- definitely an acquired taste, one I have not yet acquired! As I said to my husband, "don't think of it as candy, think of it as a cultural experience!"

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