Mailart 365 has moved
Thanks for visiting Mailart 365. This site is an archive of mailart produced by artists doing mailart 365 from December 2010 to August 2016. As of July 2016, we moved to a new and more modern site at Come on over and check us out there013 - Python Champ!
I decided at the start of the year that 2014 would be the year I learn to code. Having tried and failed to learn to code in the past, I decided to get a little group together. Nothing like a little positive peer pressure to get me through a task. Something like Mailart 365 really... I expected that there wouldn't be a lot of interest in this. I mean a meetup to learn how to code in Python?! Really!?
So imagine my surprise when 20 people signed up to take part!
Where I initially thought that I'd easily be able to fit 5 people in my kitchen for weekly geek practice, I ended up having to ask a Hanoi startup, Codelovers, if we could borrow their offices and they kindly agreed, so last week we had our initial code study group and it was a huge success! It turned out that the combination of learning English and coding was a great mix. There was a mixture of beginner coders and code ninjas, as well as a good mix of fluent English and learners, who all worked together to get through the first of the 12 weeks of the course.
This postcard was made for one of my co-hosts, Tùng. The other co-host is actually Seahorse The initial suggestion to study Python on Udacity was Tùng's and he's already taken the course and is a Python expert as well as a huge fan of learning, so he came along to help out and has been an absolute champ!
On another note, since coming to Hanoi, my relationship with mailart has changed. Where before I considered mailart to be any piece of art that can get through the post, since getting here I have had to come to terms with the fact that the postal service isn't very reliable. As a result, I've taken to giving postcards to people in person, and now feel that the spirit of mailart is in the giving of art. Since getting to Hanoi, I've been talking about mailart to people and have noticed a marked increase in people giving art to each other as a result of talking to me. It's great!
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