Mailart 365
Making mailart every day since December 1st, 2010!

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Thanks for visiting Mailart 365. This site is an archive of mailart produced by artists doing mailart 365 from December 2010 to August 2016. As of July 2016, we moved to a new and more modern site at Come on over and check us out there


# 190 - 194 // Final Freepost Experiments

Some more FREEPOST Experiments for Andy's plot at Real, that went into the postbox just in time for the closing party tomorrow.

# 190 - A sample tube with a dice inside, sent with the address written on the original label. Don't really know where the syringe-like doodles came from - I just got carried away with the Sharpies!

# 191 - I filled an old bit of plastic packaging full of pencil shavings, and the leftover stubby pencils, taped it shut and added an address label (written in pencil of course!)

# 192 - Next up is this APC (altered playing card). Very simple, pretty small, and it went into the postbox like this...

# 193 - A painted CD sent on its way this morning.

# 194 - Mini painted canvas, with the address written on the back, went into the postbox (with a bit of a thud!) 

That's all for the FREEPOST Experiments. It's been a lot of fun, and I hope another opportunity for experimenting comes up soon (escpecially if it's free!)

Ahhhh so THAT was who the canvas was from! I did see it and it on Wednesday and wondered who sent it. The pencil shavings caught a few peoples attention too.

The latest on the Real gallery - they've now been given what I think is a permanent space in Royal Mail's Marketreach offices I think. I've been invited to carry on exhibiting in a much reduced, perhaps standard size plot. Apparently they can't expand to a whole gallery for the rest of the time. I thought about it and decided I'd go for it, but would probably just send them one or two things a week. not sure how this is going to be any fun really, but I'll keep you posted of course

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