Mailart 365 has moved
Thanks for visiting Mailart 365. This site is an archive of mailart produced by artists doing mailart 365 from December 2010 to August 2016. As of July 2016, we moved to a new and more modern site at Come on over and check us out there#261 Your life?
Friday, June 29, 2012
My duahgter has been cleaning out her room and I keep going through the rubbish just in case there is something I NEED. I loved the view of this oxford college info (circle view) and wondered if it might inspire something for the 'mailart makes the world a town' zine. It hasn't but it made me wonder about you all and your worlds...
Friday, June 29, 2012Here are four CDs that went out this week, two for my DC CD series (top left and bottom right) that are decorated with Smithsonian museum images and pastels, one for a swap (bottom left) full of guilty pleasure songs and songs I can no longer stand for some emotional reason but can't seem to delete anyway.... And the top right CD was made for my newest friend Mary who randomly found me the other day and now we are in love. ;)
These are the first I've made since last hand-drawing my mix artwork and I think I much prefer that, so hopefully the mix CDs that go out in the future will be more interesting to look at! In the mean time-- still learning. :)
xo June
Friday, June 29, 2012
Before I started reducing my swaps, I joined a couple swaps on Swap Bot that dealt with 80s/90s cartoons and ATCs inspired by them. I have decided to leave that series because I'm getting more into zine-making and don't want to spend so many hours a week making ATCs anymore... but first, I sent off one for Thundercats and another for Jem. :)
Neither were shows I was particularly excited about when I was younger, but I still took the time to hand-draw the cards and decorate the envelopes to match. :)
The Jem envelope is probably my favorite of the two... I'll probably invest some time in sculpting another face decorated envelope in the future. Seems like a pretty neat thing to receive in the mail!
I love all of the opportunity Swap Bot gives me to decorate envelopes ! I'll mostly just be joining mail art specific swaps for the time being so I look forward to sharing what I come up with here!
xo June

The Jem envelope is probably my favorite of the two... I'll probably invest some time in sculpting another face decorated envelope in the future. Seems like a pretty neat thing to receive in the mail!
I love all of the opportunity Swap Bot gives me to decorate envelopes ! I'll mostly just be joining mail art specific swaps for the time being so I look forward to sharing what I come up with here!
xo June
199 - Nun
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Wasn't too happy with the way this was shaping up as a watercolour piece, which I started before 198. It was a mess and I tried to recover it in the morning with fineliner but it was still a mess. Usually a mess isn't such a bad thing, but as this was a Sharpie packet I felt bad about it. I guess the fact that they are paying for it changes how I feel about what I draw on there. Iknow for sure that I definitely draw differently for paying customers
198 - Real Network Profile Timeline
Thursday, June 28, 2012
I'm currently taking part in a postal project in the centre of London called welovereal. They give me a "plot" and I need to fill it by sending post in. My first piece of post has to be a profile, for which the organisers have sent a preformatted profile page requesting a name, location and bio.
I've decided that my plot will be a pretty thorough history of my REAL wall, so I wanted to get off on the right foot with the profile, giving the audience not just the information requested, but a neat biographic preview of what is to come over the month.
Facebooks timeline format suited this idea and approach perfectly, but I did have to totally ignore the layout provided.
It was such a lovely trip back down memory lane to dig out these major events, and the whole thing took just over 4 hours to complete
197 - Send me mail...if you want to live
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
I've been given a public space to display mailart at a new mail project that's opened in the very centre of London. The project is called Welcome to Real, and bills itself as the first network to be run by post. Regular readers of my REAL wall may have a little something to say about that...
Anyway, the idea of this project, sponsored by Royal Mail, is that they have a public display space in a pretty prominent place in the centre of London and they are giving a number of lucky folk "plots", which are little pieces of space to display stuff that is to be sent in by post. I've been given plot 45 to display in and I shall be running my REAL wall at that address until the end of the show, which runs til the 27th July.
I shall be doing a retrospective/live performance of my REAL wall, showing all the awesome stuff I've been sent over the years. You of course can take part and fill up my plot too mailartists and readers, just send all your mailart to me this month at my plot address, which is...
my REAL wall, Plot 45, REAL, The Royal Opera Arcade Gallery, 1-2 Royal Opera Arcade, London, SW1Y 4UY, UK
As part of my welcome package, the organisers have sent me a whole heap of pre-paid envelopes, which is rather nice. Me and Camel were wondering if the postage would also be paid for if it came from America. I don't reckon it will be, but it's gotta be worth a go.
mail art 365-150
Monday, June 25, 2012Via Flickr:
sent to darcilena in usa
made for the free themed postcard swap
tried the use of napkins in the collage elements more
mail art 365-149
Monday, June 25, 2012Via Flickr:
sent to else in NL
private swap, sent some small pieces of fabric for her crafts
mail art 365-148
Monday, June 25, 2012Via Flickr:
sent to linda in usa
envelope that contained the inspired by postage stamps ATC swap
mail art 365-147
Monday, June 25, 2012Via Flickr:
sent to jennifer in belgium
envelope that contained the inspired by postage stamps ATC swap