Mailart 365
Making mailart every day since December 1st, 2010!

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Thanks for visiting Mailart 365. This site is an archive of mailart produced by artists doing mailart 365 from December 2010 to August 2016. As of July 2016, we moved to a new and more modern site at Come on over and check us out there


craftgasm, week 3

All birthday cards, all the time! My general MO to send birthday cards on time is to sit down with my perpetual birthday calendar about a week or so before the next month starts, and write out each of the birthday cards in advance. I then stamp and address them, and put a sticky note on each one with the date I'm to mail it (usually between 7-3 days before the person's birthday, depending on where they live). They are in chronological order in my things-to-mail pile, so when the date on the post-it comes around, I just peel off the note and drop it in the blue box on my corner.

These February birthdays are all pretty similar, with a bicycle theme. The border stamp of different cycles on the bottom of some of the envelopes was handcarved for me by Bethany of TeaOlive, who does amazing work. I carved the larger step-through bicycle on numbers 17 & 19 myself, and the rest are commercially available stamps. I promise the blue ink shows up a lot more in person; the scanner light just washes it right out.

14/365, sent to Joe in Virginia Beach.

15/365, to send to Beth in Tampa.

16/365, to send to Steve in New York.

17/365, to send to my grandfather in Florida.

18/365, to send to Jessica in North Carolina.

19/365, to send to Billy in Chicago.

20/365, to send to Mindy in Maryland.


I wish I was that organized with my birthday cards!

Believe me, it's one of the few things I manage to do in a timely or efficient manner. If I can, anyone can.

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