Mailart 365
Making mailart every day since December 1st, 2010!

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#184 - Just Say No to Processed!

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Yesterday the United States Department of Agriculture came out with a new idea to replace the silly "food pyramid" that was supposed to be an ideal guideline to nutrition. The new idea is a plate. It is a nice plate, and the website that goes along with it, Choose My Plate, is not awful, though it is boring. The second the press release went out, all the crazies in the US went nuts. "Keep government out of my food choices!" and that sort of screaming. Of course, most of those same people want to make sure government stays very much active in our medical decisions (it isn't pro-abortion, people ... it is pro-choice) and in our choices of life partners (if two consenting adults want to get married, they should be able to marry).

I wish government didn't have to mess around with nutritional guidelines. I wish the people in the US knew how to do it themselves. But they don't. And the health consequences are costing me money. I don't like spending my money on taxes for medical care for people who can't figure out that processed foods are making them sick.

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