Mailart 365
Making mailart every day since December 1st, 2010!

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Thanks for visiting Mailart 365. This site is an archive of mailart produced by artists doing mailart 365 from December 2010 to August 2016. As of July 2016, we moved to a new and more modern site at Come on over and check us out there


105 - Exploitation (In the news #1)


When we visited Denmark recently for Aalborg carnival I went with very few mailart tools as we were out to dance in the carnival with our carnival crew.

All I had was a few blanks, a fineliner and I picked up a copy of the UK's Daily Mail on the plane.

The Daily Mail is a terrible paper, nicknamed by Julie Burchill as "The Daily Hate", it tends to take a conservative stance (to the point of thinly veiled xenophobia in some cases) in all it's stories. The headlines scream out every day "Immigrant menace", "Romanians charged with theft", "Teenage pregnancy on the increase" and that sort of scaremongering. You know the sort of trash, I'm sure you all have a similar paper where you live.

Anyway, for want of anything better to draw on, I started sketching on the pages of the paper, a vast improvement if you ask me. Finally something work looking at!

105 - back

The following pieces are the pictures that I drew, complete with one word scandalous headline, starting with a piece on people trafficking inspired by Farth Ennis's Punisher story "The Slavers" which is a tour de force of storytelling and one of the most horrific stories on Garths groundbreaking Punisher run.


What a unique way to use materials on hand, love it. I still have trip envy!

It was great- I think I Concentrate more when I use limited materials. I completely finished the fine liner that weekend, it was a great feeling!

As for trip envy, it's so much easier to take a weekend away to another country on this side of the Atlantic. We go for loads of trips away it's great! Oh that's not helping is it...?

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