Mailart 365
Making mailart every day since December 1st, 2010!

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#168 - Fruit Desire

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One of the letters I wrote while on our road trip north was in response to a letter with this fruit scene as the letter "jacket." The letter was folded into the picture and stapled, so that the letter itself could be easily removed, leaving the picture for mailart of my own. Love this sort of repurposing!

Spring has been wet and cold here, like in much of the US, and I'm craving fruit all the more because of it. Sitting on the patio with a huge slice of watermelon, spitting seeds up the hillside ... will it ever be warm and dry enough to do that ....

I love all the yellow with the yellow weave in the heart!

me too and love the fruit!

Don't know about the dry, but I suspect the warmth will arrive eventually...

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