We had airline tickets for the trip to Massachusetts last week, but with all the stupid security theatre, neither of us could "bare" to fly, so we decided to take a credit (minus a penalty fee) on the flight and rented a car (our car is charming and wonderful, but not up to this sort of journey ... it is almost 11 years old) and drive up to see my family for the weekend.
The drive to Massachusetts is about 10 hours. I don't get motion sickness so I had plenty of correspondence and mailart stuff to keep me busy for the entire ride. I cut up a map and covered some cardstock before we left so that was already for me to add the bits I collected in my traveling mailart kit (which I will post about on the IUOMA at some point) for some road mailart.
Pennsylvania is a big state. You don't know how big until you have to drive the width. And the middle of northern Pennsylvania is a wilderness ... there is a section that is actually called The Wilds. I was quite happy I had my Apple iPhone, with my wonderful address book and all my 8082 contacts so that I had all my addresses in the palm of my hand. I wrote about 30 letters and left a trail of mail via mailboxes along the route.
May 21, 2011 at 2:30 AM
Sounds like you got a lot done on your road trip, which was good! I flew last week and there were no more security issues that usual, I think it was a lot of TV hype. Over 8000 contacts that is amazing! Love the apples by the way.
May 21, 2011 at 12:55 PM
I just found out yesterday that the term "One for the road" originated from the gallows, where the condemned would be given a drink "for the road". This would make them more relaxed when they hung and thus make the whole thing easier. apparently the term "Staying on the wagon" also has similar origins, being that the sober ones would stay on the wagon longer. Not sure how true that is, but if it's on the radio on late night talk shows it has to be right?
May 21, 2011 at 4:09 PM
Granny smith was always my favorite!
May 24, 2011 at 7:23 PM
I got one of those letters from the road!
So does your mailart kit include an encyclopedia of food and drink or something?
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