Mailart 365
Making mailart every day since December 1st, 2010!

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#158 - Honey Sweet

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Honey Sweet would be a good name for a race horse. The Kentucky Derby is on, but I don't like horse racing, so I'm playing with mail.

The candy wrappers are from some honey drops I bought a long while ago. They were fabulous! But I can't remember where I bought them. This is honey drop season for me. I love being outdoors, but the pollen does me in. I get "throataches," as I called them as a kid. Pain in the head was "headache," pain in the ear, "earache," so why shouldn't pain in the throat be "throatache"? Anyway, I live on honey drops this time of year.

I love the little bees

Lets hear it for honey bees!

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