Mailart 365
Making mailart every day since December 1st, 2010!

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# 88 Ink Blot Test # 4

Test # 4 went to yet another fun friend. Wonder if she will tell us what she sees?

Hummingbird in lower right corner; bat at the top right; heart at bottom next to hummingbird; wings of a butterfly in the middle; the rest are rose petals!

I was thinking gollum from lotr with the body of a porcupine bleeding out a pair of helium lungs from the incision in his back, his head withering up and blackening from lack of oxygen. But that"s just me. I see the heart too!! Carried on wings of a vampire bat!!

Bat and butterfly. maybe a wasp too. depends whether i have my glasses on. This one lives here on my REAL wall.! Thank you!

Gee, what creative minds you all have. I totally missed the heart, until Paula spotted it and I like the idea of rose petals. I saw the butterfly & the hummingbird. I've determined so far that girls see pretty things and boys see bats, bugs, creepy stuff.

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