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86 - Boiled Stupid Referendum Results

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Made while in Vietnam on honeymoon.

This was a quick pic of a Vietnamese Hot pot (Lau) that we had in a very cool restaurant about an hours drive on a moped away from Nha Trang.

The restaurant was fabulous, but the translations to English in their menu was terrible. Among the delights on their badly translated menu were

"Cunning Black Fish", "Labored over ham" and my personal favourite "Boiled Stupid referendum results"



I hope you got the recipe!!?!?

Yes something got lost in the translation, too funny!

I think that the UK government probably has the recipe for Boiled Stupid Referendum results somewhere.

Good laugh this AM. Great story and memory for you and the wife.

Just love Vietnam - road side 'restaurants' are really interesting. Did you try lobster in Nha Trang on one of the footpath restaurants with the plastic chairs & tables? It's just great! Love the card too.

We have really fond memories of eating Grilled Banana with coconut milk in Nha Trang on plastic chairs and tables. Wonderful!

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