Mailart 365
Making mailart every day since December 1st, 2010!

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85 - Weight loss isn't for everyone

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Made while in Vietnam on honeymoon.

Where Western white people aspire to getting a nice tan to show they've been on holday, thinking in Vietnam is quite different. People with tans, tend to work outside in the fields and are subsequently thought to be poor, hence you will see many people, mainly the ladies, covering themselves up with masks and umbrellas and all sorts to try and stay white. Elenas white skin was thought to be particularly attractive.

Most Vietnamese women are size 6 or below too, and many REALLY want to be a bit fatter, for a similar reason. Fat=wealthy.

I guess we all aspire to look uncommon in any culture.

Among the other things I found out was that the Vietnamese love curly and blond hair.

All of this was begging to be made into mailart, hence this little piece, Going out to Stan Askew.


That is the wonderful thing about travel you find out so many interesting cultural points of view!

I read an article or something about how Fiji was once like that but then popular culture invaded and changed it all.

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