Mailart 365
Making mailart every day since December 1st, 2010!

Mailart 365 has moved

Thanks for visiting Mailart 365. This site is an archive of mailart produced by artists doing mailart 365 from December 2010 to August 2016. As of July 2016, we moved to a new and more modern site at Come on over and check us out there


58# A ILHA {The Island}

 Sent to  the Mail Art Call titled "Planet Earth is a Large Island with a Huge Ocean Around" the exhibithion will take place at space of "Cabana dos Parodiantes" Salvaterra de Magos, Portugal, starting in October 2011, and will be there one month. It is likely that exhibition will be extended to other public and private places in Portugal.
 The organization has the idea to produce a book with all Mail Art received, but this isn't yet confirmed.

Being the organizer in partnership with the owner of the historic coffee "Cabana dos Parodiantes " (Salvaterra de Magos, Portugal) of this project and one of the few assets Mail Artists in Portugal...I have to set an exemple by contrybuting with a piece to the Call.

You can find all the information on :

A new Group and Event was created on IUOMA site, and also in Facebook, where you can access the information too.

I would really appreciate being able to count with the participation of members of MailArt 365, thanks.

(see the ArtWork 57# related with this Call)

For a better view  of the piece, visit my mail art website :

Wow Helder! I continue to admire your style. I'll see what I can do about making a piece for your call.

Thanks Andy, but please divulge the Call in your artist contacts. By the way do you have any pictures from de opening exhibition "little big stories" on the Pimlico Library ?

Hi Helder - I've put this up on Twitter and facebook for you. With regards to the Little Big Stories, I've been away on honeymoon as you know, so I missed the opening, but will get pics of the photos on the walls by the end of this week. The pics are on the walls now, put up by the librarians, and an announcement has gone out on the Westminster libraries website

Pics will be posted on my REAL wall as soon as I have them!

I'm fairly new to this, but i'd love to answer the call once i get caught up on my replies!
I still really like your black guys that make their way into all of these pieces. ;-)

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