Mailart 365
Making mailart every day since December 1st, 2010!

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#15 L-plate: what survives and what doesn't. Who decides?


Mailart #15, originally uploaded by L-plate big cheese.
Finally, finally getting round to creating a few pieces of mailart. There are so many wonderful art pieces going up here every day - fantastic work everybody, looks like you're all loving the challenge and doing it fine justice.

Today we have this adapted postcard from Nazare, a fishing town close to where I'm currently staying with my parents who live in Portugal. This is being sent to a good friend back in the UK.

Here on the Portuguese Atlantic coast you often feel like you’re stepping back in time when you look around. While this postcard was printed in 1969, you’ll still see exactly the same characters bumbling around the small town of Nazare today. Fishermen and fishwives of Nazare continue to wear the exact same clothes you see here (“typical features” indeed as the caption for this postcard states). They also continue to carry stuff around on their heads: yesterday I turned the corner and bumped into a fishwife gossiping away while wearing an Ascot type hat made from 2.5kg of potatoes. It all makes me wonder why some traditions live on in full swing while others die out or change to tackier modern day versions. This subject will certainly need a revisit...

Is Nazare known for it's turnips?

Not really (although they do some mean picked turnip side dishes around here) - after seeing the bag of potatoes as a hat it seemed appropriate to get some root vegetables plastered on that postcard there.

Here's that potato moment, by the way:

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