Mailart 365
Making mailart every day since December 1st, 2010!

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#103 Cemetery art

I took the photo of a headstone at Trinity church in New York City, it is across from the 911 site. Photoshopped the image, kind of ghosty.

Excellent! Gotta love photoshop!

So pretty, the top of the gravestone is cool

It's great! I so want to learn more about my photoshop, but I keep putting other things first.

Amanda and i have been delving into 9/11 quite a bit the last two weeks. It must be interesting to visit it.

It is very interesting and still heartbreaking to me, can't believe it has been almost 10 years. I can send you a picture of the new construction if you would like, they have about 30 or 40 floors up on the new building.

it might be interesting to see.

got this today! thanks!!!!
i'm adding it on my site,
it sounds from the writing on the back that is what
you meant for it. lmk if i'm wrong??


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