Mailart 365
Making mailart every day since December 1st, 2010!

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#64 Postcards

The bird is from "Return of the Dappermen" (great graphic book for anyone/everyone). The 2nd one is a legend in Pittsburgh called the green man. I was scared shitless of this when I was a kid, mainly because my dad told me he lived in our shed... but that's not the real story. Apparently the green man was working on the telephone polls and got electrocuted. His face was deformed and he retreated to a tunnel. When people would drive through his tunnel, your car would shut off and would never turn back on again. You would see the face of the green man and be paralyzed. That's all I got from the green man story, soooo scary as a 12 your old.

green man = memorable!!!

OH Gabby, you have sparked so many memories for me. Did you know that the Green Man is a folk legends centuries and centuries old in Europe? He is portrayed as man made of leaves and sometimes flowers and he's mostly a positive harbinger of springtime. An old house on the next block from me here in Sydney has a Green Man in the plaster over the door, the owner is incredibly proud because he says it's one of only four in Sydney.
It's also the name of very nice pub in London!

Woooooow JJ. That is not what the green man is in Pittsburgh. He was a horrible creature. My dad also told me his house burned down up the road from me and that I couldn't go near it or else the green man will get me ahahah. I like your guys' green man better.

Interesting stories, I always learn something new. I really like the bird, green man too!

Was your dad set out to scar you for life? Lol!

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