Mailart 365
Making mailart every day since December 1st, 2010!

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#108 - We All Scream For Ice Cream

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This is yesterday's mailart. I couldn't find the scanner cord, and it was late, so I decided to wait until this morning. Found the cord where I swear I didn't put it. I'm blaming the cat.

This is going to kids on the island of Farfum in the Kingdom of Tonga. I read a wonderful blog written by a Peace Corp volunteer and sent the kids he teaches a couple of postcards a while back. One of the kids sent me the fantastic handmade card below.  Nesi is 10 years old and likes to fish. I also learned whales were nearby when the card was written.

I am also sending a box of art supplies under separate cover so the kids can make more postcards. The blog linked above has a modest wishlist of supplies should you all want to send a bit, too. Or maybe just a piece of mailart. The address is on the blog, too.

These ice-cream stamps are so good I want to eat one! How did you make them?

Thank you, Scott! The ice cream stamps are just stickers on cardstock with a bit of stamped and paper embellishment background.

I stamped a simple geometric design on the colored cardstock, added some scrap "confetti" and then the ice cream sticker. I used a pair of scissors that cut a postage edge to make the colored cardstock look like postage and put that on white cardstock.

Very quick and easy project that I'm going to repeat using small candy stickers when I'm visiting my 3.5 year old granddaughter in May. She will love making candy "stamps" to use on her postcards :-)

Beautiful! And I shared the blog site with our newspaper's 1,900 Facebook Fans this morning! Thanks for sharing!

Great card and thanks for the link to the the Tonga site!

i'm not really into ice cream, but they looks cool!
i think it's awesome you're sending them supplies!

I am going to have to get a pair of those special scissors! Thanks for explaining your technique and I too think that the Tonga website is great - will get a link to it on the Positively Postal website.

Shouldn't that be "we all scream for zrmzlina"? :^)

oops, transposed two letters - i should have typed "zmrzlina", right??

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