Mailart 365
Making mailart every day since December 1st, 2010!

Mailart 365 has moved

Thanks for visiting Mailart 365. This site is an archive of mailart produced by artists doing mailart 365 from December 2010 to August 2016. As of July 2016, we moved to a new and more modern site at Come on over and check us out there


#72 and my Introduction - New here today!


Hi everyone!
I'm brand new here, found Mailart365 in the spotlight at I'm 35 years old, mother of two girls, wife. I'm German, my husband is American/American Indian. I've spent 12 Years in the US and have been back in Germany for 5 years now.
My husband and I love Elvis Presley, we ALL love Halloween. It's our favorite Holiday, and also our wedding anniversary.
I'm a bookworm, love succulents and carnivores, and am an active carnivalist. In the US I crafted for HOURS each day, here in Germany my poor craft room feels lonely. In the winter it's too cold to be in it, in the summer there's little time. It's almost impossible to find good supplies here in Germany, the little bit you CAN find is crazy expensive. All in all I have a biiig weakness for papers and any kind of inks/paints.
The upside of it is that I'm a recycle fanatic, and one favorite technique is working with watercolor on newsprint.
I like collages, to those of you familiar with the companies, I love Basic Grey and chatterbox papers, shabby chic, gypsy and retro styles.
I think this is a great way to commit to getting more involved again.
Looking forward to meeting y'all!
PS: I have NO experience with blogs, so any help here (when/if needed) would be wonderful.
Edit: Thanks for the welcome! You asked for my address....since I don't yet know how to navigate here I don't know where to best post it??? For now I'll leave it right here:

...welcome mail? How neat is that!? I'm looking forward to it!

Address is in MailArt365 group discussion

Oooh, introduced myself, but didn't say anything about the image: This is a recycle postcard.
For the body I used a prebought blank postcard, it is "collaged" with the tear-off scraps from blocks of postage stamps (I can never make myself throw them away and have been collecting them for a while). The front of the card is hot laminated for a nice finish and to give it a better quality.

Welcome to the group, Kugusch. Don't forget to add your address to the Blog discussion. That way, you can get mail from me.

Welcome aboard. We're having a lot of fun, and welcome newcomers with open arms!

Welcome to the group- awesome - I have mailart just waiting to be sent to you!!

Welcome! I just joined recently too, and love it. I'm sure you will too. I look forward to seeing your designs! :)

Me and Elena go to Bielefeld carnival every year! What group are you with? do you know Shademakers?

The best place to post your address is in the IUOMA group in the "Our Addresses" bit.

By the way, I've added your 365 link to the side too, so you can see all your posts in one place.

thanks, everyone!
Andy, we live in a small town of 2200 and are all active in the local carnival club. I'm in the women's group, my husband in the men's "ballet", and our girls each dance in the groups for their age. We've participated in masquerades, last year we had a float in the parade and the year before the four of us were a small walking group in the parade. The only other carnival events we participate in are the towns right around us, where we know a lot of the people in the parades. So no, I've never been to Bielefeld and never heard of the Shademakers.

I'll follow the address link, and thanks for adding me to the right, I just really had problems trying to find this post again LOL

I'd love to come to play Mas around your town sometime! My band is called Yaa Asantewaa, and I've been with them for about 10 years now.

Being London-based we aren't as much a centre of the community as your group sounds. It is really sad that the recession has led to so many arts being cut and our budget has been hugely cut this year, so I'm not sure I'll make it to Bielefeld this year, but most years we travel to Paris, Aalborg (Denmark) and Bielefeld. I love the Bielefeld carnival, it's so relaxed.

Heve you ever been to Notting Hill Carnival?

Shademakers are based in Bielefeld and their director, Paul is an incredible designer. His pieces are so lifelike! They move in an utterly mesmerising way. If you ever get a chance to see them make sure you do. They are one of my favourite masquerade bands.

As I said, I've never gotten away from home for fashing, to the contrary....when I lived in the US one year I went home to germany FOR fasching (another word for our carnival). When I lived in Florida, we went to see a local Mardi Gras parade several years, but I never made it to New Orleans for Mardi Gras. I would have LOVED to experience THAT. We were in NO one year in June, though, and down canal street, even 4 months afterwards, the trees were still full of the strands of beads they throw there!

Your post was edited by the admin staff for your protection.

The world does not need your address - just us...

Welcome aboard

Thanks, Camel! I'm not the overly paranoid type, but also always a little surprised at people posting their address in public profiles.
When I was asked for it earlier I didn't know where else to put it and then figured maybe since the project itself was invite only, that it was visible only to the members.
(not the brightest light about blogs and who sees what where yet).
So thanks for looking out for me!

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