Mailart 365
Making mailart every day since December 1st, 2010!

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#79 - P is for Pretentious

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The ad on the left is a reproduction of a late 19th century ad and the label on the right is from a contemporary packaged tortellini meal. The wording on the pasta package is so very pretentious ... "award winning" ... "served in the finest restaurants" ... and the ridiculous accented spelling of the brand name. I don't typically buy products with "snob appeal," but I had to have this label so I could make fun of it.

After I made this, I walked out of the art room and said "I suppose I could call this P is for Preachy," and Greg agreed. You know you have made a good match when your significant other encourages you with everything they've got but is also brutally honest when it is appropriate. I suppose I do get a bit preachy about food.

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