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#75 - L is for Lunch Lady

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I love lunch. It is my favorite meal and I like to eat it in style. I will never work a job that requires me to eat my lunch at my desk. I think my lunch ethos is healthy and I wish I could get more people to do the same.

First Lady Michelle Obama likes lunch, too. She has been working hard to get better lunches into schools in the US. In December a law called Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids was signed that is to help schools provide better lunches for all children. The First Lady had a lot to do with getting that law in place. I don't know how well it will work ... there are certainly a lot of naysayers and people who want to resist just because they can resist ... but I can only hope this is the start of more lunch love.

This Lunch Lady serves up the sort of lunch I enjoy ... one with flourish and style. I don't imagine school lunch ladies should wear ball gowns and ouchy shoes, but I would love to see school lunch become more of an occasion.

I'm sending this card to Krissy, a penfriend in Minnesota, who is a lunch lady.

it's beautiful!

what kind of sandwich?

Thank you! The sandwich would be veggie with some smoked cheese, very thinly sliced. Smoked cheese gives a bit of power to veggie sandwiches, but the cheese can't be thick. If this was for a kid, and the kid ate meat, there would be chicken (but NOT processed chicken ... organic only) and a plainer cheese, but, again, real not processed "cheese food."

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