Mailart 365
Making mailart every day since December 1st, 2010!

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#67 Zentangle "Snail Abode" CarCrashArt#7

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This one I worked on today while watching an E.R. Marathon on DVD with my husband. It looks black in the scan, but it's a very dark green. It's loosely based on my own favorite art piece ever, which was a piece done in white, gold and silver inks on black over 20 years ago in school. That piece was my absolute pride and the school managed to lose it, and every so often when I'm dabbling in art things semiconsciously get based on that piece....although I was never able to even nearly come close to being "good" like the original again..

It's #67 in my backtracking attempt, and #7 in my series of splint-created CarCrashArt.

Oooo~ I really like this. :D

Beautiful! Wish I could have seen the one the school lost!

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