Mailart 365
Making mailart every day since December 1st, 2010!

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65 - Dreaming of Paris


Work has been kinda boring lately, and I've spent much of my time dreaming. Not necessarily of Paris, and I'll confess that most of my dreams when I'm stuck at my desk are of mailart, but Paris has crossed my mind once or twice.

Thanks to Paula for the Paris map background!


Love the use of the Paris walk card! i sent some to Mim, and she & her husband are actually going to use them in Paris. So jealous!

I had a feeling you may be dreaming of Paris Paula...;-)

Hey andy...Either we're both mind-connected tonight or we've just been subconsciously brainwashed by all those beautiful rooms with beautiful views LOL

Haha Kugusch! Yeah I think you're right, Paula's images every day certainly helped my dreams along

Yes, Paula has really made me "home" sick for Paris with those wonderful cards. I like the way you made foot prints on your map. In the lower right, where there's a 4, that's close to where we've stayed. Is that the lovely Elena on that card?

No this is my Romanian sister Cata, who I taught for nearly half a year. I lived with her family in Romania in 2006. I'll tell you all about it over lunch very soon...

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