Mailart 365
Making mailart every day since December 1st, 2010!

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Thanks for visiting Mailart 365. This site is an archive of mailart produced by artists doing mailart 365 from December 2010 to August 2016. As of July 2016, we moved to a new and more modern site at Come on over and check us out there


#64 - A is for Antisocial

When I saw a box of Social Snackers at Trader Joe's in December, I  knew I had to have it because I saw an "AntiSocial Snackers" postcard written all over it. But, we forgot to save the box, so I insisted on going all the way back to Trader Joe's last weekend (it is not nearby!) so we could buy another box. I think I need a food label intervention.

The girl and cat are images from my stash. I knew the girl was in there and hunted her out back in December when I had the first box of crackers, but the cat is just luck. I've no idea where it came from, but it's perfect. My cat would murder me in the middle of the night if I tried to put a strainer on her face and take a picture. Where do people find these cats that allow for goofy photos?

This is going to my daughter April and son-in-law Greg, who are the least antisocial people you will ever meet. When they got married five years ago, my daughter had to disappoint some of her friends because she already had 12 bridesmaids and had to draw a line. My son-in-law had 6 groomsmen, so each one got two bridesmaids to escort. This photo is a candid shot of the wedding party trying to fit into normal size gazebo. They did all manage to fit and the professional photo is quite nice.

I've started calling my REAL wall the Anti-social network, as in against the normal concept of social network in the modern day. I think the term "anti-social" is demonised in this day and age, where everyone is meant to be social. Some of the best thinkers are profoundly anti-social snackers!

I think Greg and I are thought of as antisocial since we are very quiet. When I was working, I never joined conversations about television and my co-workers thought it was because I was antisocial. It is because I don't watch television but if I said that, they would get defensive ... "oh, I need the escape .... oh, I only watch a hour or two at night ... etc". And I'm well aware that I have unusual hobbies and interests and tend to be boring, so I don't really enjoy face to face conversation because i can pretty much see people thinking "oh dear gods, why did I start this?" If that's antisocial, so be it, but I do sometimes envy my daughters who have close friends who they have known since they were children.

Yes I know what you mean Postmuse. Me and Elena are similar. I never had a TV when I grew up and have "unsociable" hobbies, or at least hobbies that no-one else talks about at the water-cooler. Elena hates water-cooler conversation more than almost anything in the world.

I'm so glad that you note that people get defensive about TV! It's the same when I mention facebook and my REAL wall. Everyone immediately puts on airs of feeling guilty about it, but nobody seems willing to give it up! "Oh I use it occasionally, but I'm not really interested in it" they say. Then why not close it?

Social conventions are so strange

Okay, you & Andy are making me think about why I enjoy mail art so much -- it doesn't involve other people. I'm sort of a loner, and live in a little backwater place where reading & art are thought of as 'high-falutin' stuff. I really don't 'blend', even though I've lived here all my life. I'm not 'anti' social, just not particularly social. I'd like to hear from other mail artists as to whether or not these 'loner' tendencies are prevalent among them.

P.S. I think I'm on the prayer list at several local churches for my tendency to use nudes in my work. Half the people think I'm a lesbian, and the other half just think I'm vulgar.

It is hard to live in a conservative area, keep using the nude, you do it in a beautiful way.

Interesting comments. Thank god in San Francisco we can all be just about any way we want to be -- and we do talk about art. I know the rest of the world thinks we are all strange but who cares? I don't watch tv either and I hate pop culture but I find many others here who the PC and the comments...I think we would enjoy having a glass of wine together!

I love our group! We have so much in common.

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