Mailart 365
Making mailart every day since December 1st, 2010!

Mailart 365 has moved

Thanks for visiting Mailart 365. This site is an archive of mailart produced by artists doing mailart 365 from December 2010 to August 2016. As of July 2016, we moved to a new and more modern site at Come on over and check us out there


59 - Madman

I wasn't going to take part in Alphabet month on Mailart 365. I didn't think I had a theme I cared about enough to knock out an alphabets worth of pieces for, but then, when I saw what everyone else was doing, I couldn't resist.

Here's my exclamation mark entry for the comics characters alphabet!

This little known character is called Madman and was created by Mike Allred. He has an exclamation mark on his chest. Madman has been around since 1990 and in that 20 years, I've seen his comic on the shelf but have never read an issue.

Published by Dark Horse, I usually see Madman published as one-shots or short editions, rather than an ongoing series. The reason I haven't read any of this comic is because it is quite a niche character and hence it's difficult to pick up in the library.

These days I get most of my comics from the library as I can no longer afford to buy them, hence why I wanted to run something mailarty for my local library.

For those of you contributing to Little Big Stories already, thanks so much, as I do hope that this gets more people reading graphic stories!

So who is this little piece going to? It's called Madman so I think it needs to go to our newest recruit Kugusch, who seems hellbent on catching up the 70 posts she's missed in the last 2 months. This I must see...


Hellbent's my middle name! LOL
Your wonderful piece arrived...unfortunately it seems to have been exposed to rain or someone crying furiously as it's full of water stains now, but no one that didn't see your scan wouldn't know it's not part of the art LOL.
I didn't see this comment before, so the card arrived as a surprise to me.
Thanks very much, nice to have my first piece of mail art arrive from the guy who got me here in the first place!

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