Mailart 365
Making mailart every day since December 1st, 2010!

Mailart 365 has moved

Thanks for visiting Mailart 365. This site is an archive of mailart produced by artists doing mailart 365 from December 2010 to August 2016. As of July 2016, we moved to a new and more modern site at Come on over and check us out there


#18, 19 of 365

Still playing catch up with more Zentangles!

Love, love these drawings!

Wonderful, spacious, and flowing. These are great!

I'm loving these zentangle things too. Can you explain how these come about?

Mischief, The concept for the Zentangles was created by Maria Thomas and Rick Roberts. Their idea was to take patterns and break them down into a few simple strokes so they could be taught. I went to their teacher training in Oct., it was a wonderful experience. While I consider myself "creative" I had done very little drawing before I went. They also stress the meditative and zen like experience you get from this type of repetitive drawing. Wish we were closer so I could hold a class for you! Their web site is listed below. Hope this is the info you were looking for.

Received gorgeous #18 today Laura. I'm gobsmacked! hank you so much!

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