Mailart 365
Making mailart every day since December 1st, 2010!

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#7/365 SFN 4: Round-up

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SFN= Strawberry Fields Nevermore
Bumblebees are dying off in large numbers as well as honeybees. The honeybees are thought to be dying from the elusive colony collapse disorder. They still aren't sure about the cause of the bumblebee deaths. Some factors being posited are the herbicide Round-up, habitat loss, climate change, and lower genetic diversity. Bumblebees pollinate many of our food crops such as berries, peppers and tomatoes. All of which I would surely miss if they weren't around.

This is wonderful. And we will be in BIG trouble if we lose our bees. They are big-time pollinators, and many species will suffer if they go. Oh yeah. Round-up and the evil Monsanto. Do not get me started. Anywho, from your art, I can see that the strawberry colony is migrating into outer space, where they will be safe from pesticides and humans. For a moment, I feel relief. Thanks for posting. It's wonderful!

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