Mailart 365
Making mailart every day since December 1st, 2010!

Mailart 365 has moved

Thanks for visiting Mailart 365. This site is an archive of mailart produced by artists doing mailart 365 from December 2010 to August 2016. As of July 2016, we moved to a new and more modern site at Come on over and check us out there


#44 - Let Me Feel the Heat

When I "cooked" up a not-too-horrid frozen meatless dinner the other night, I remembered the salsa dancer in my image collection. "Ooooo," I thought, "she and this enchilada picture are a perfect postcard duo!"

All those letter e's in the sentence on the card are kinda hot sounding. And the placement of the salsa dancer's hand .... hmmmm. I'm thinking this could be a good look for selling these Morningstar meatless frozen entrees. Who says vegetarian meals can't be sexy. Tasty? Well, we won't go there.

Chris over at Girls Go Postal enjoys postcards featuring women, so this will head off to him. Don't click the link if a nipple will shock. What? You did click the link? And your boss was just walking by? That'll teach you to read to the end of the paragraph.

Haha! I'm so lucky I held my concentration and read to the end of the paragraph! The boss did indeed walk by! This is almost enough to make me give up meat. Phwoar!

The story that accompanies this is great. I like hearing the stories of how each mail artist found inspiration for their pieces. FYI: got heartburn just remembering the last time I ate one of these!

The stories are why I do this. I like reading how the inspiration hit, and about the piece and the artist.

Thank you, Andy. I just posted the card from the USPS office here at Pittsburgh Airport. The clerk was very intrigued by the card, too. He looked at it for a long while. I suspect he was trying to figured out why someone would glue paper to paper and mail it ;-)

Thanks for the story. I AM the boss.

My mail clerks love the stuff I send. They are always amused. When I mailed the rubber chicken, they told me they all took photos of it with their cell phone as they discovered it in the mailbox.

As to meatless... there is a LOT of great food for us. Shall we have a vegetarian challenge week: no meat on the mailart?

Also, blah blah, I have a new personal challenge. I will take two or three things out of my 'stuff I collected and saved because I could do crafts with it someday' box. I will make them into a mailart, or throw them into recycling. Every day. Until I am tired of it. ... Wish me luck.

Oh no, I'm feeling badly, I put up NO explanations with my pieces!! I'm doing that over at my Blogger blog. Hope you can make it over there some time to read more about the pieces.

I found this card on my front lawn, about twenty feet from my mailbox. I'm not sure how long it was there. It was completely curled up into a cylinder. I placed it under a stack of heavy books for a week, and now it's nearly flat again.

The card was hand-cancelled, then it was machine-cancelled. Best suggestion: get a mailer's postmark permit, postmark it yourself, and tell them it's philatelic mail and should be sorted with the metered mail. It works wonders!

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