Mailart 365
Making mailart every day since December 1st, 2010!

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31 - Don't show mum the saints

31 - Don't show mum the saints

"While in Romania, try and pick up some Romanian stuff and incorporate it into your mailart", I thought. Some little trinkets of cultural and geographical significance would be a good start, so I rooted through for things that I think of as Romanian, as an outsider, when I come to the country.

Obviously I had to put in a bit of map and a bit of newspaper, celebrating the New Year (Revelion), then I thought I'd cut out an Orthodox saint.

In the God-fearing family home this is apparently not a good thing to do I am told, and this piece was one that we didn't proudly display at the end of our trip to the folks. Heck I do still want to get married to her in March as planned!

"Outrageous. You can't just cut saints and stick them on postcards" - that's what my heart is saying even if I'm not that religious any more. Anyway we hat to keep it well hidden from my parents.

As a parent, I'm going to let you in on a secret. You may think you are hiding something away, but parents usually have ways of finding stuff out :-) And they love you anyway.

Nice composition and an observation - Romanian sure looks Roman(Latin) oh, obviously.

To me, non-religious as I am, I purely saw the saintly pic as a cultural icon, and something that was beautiful. I wasn't showing him any disrespect, just wanted to gather together cultural icons and put them together. I don't see how this is any different from Westerners putting pictures of Buddha on teacups for sale in tourist tat shops.

Yeah it has way too many vowels for my liking and as you can see, the more Romanian that goes into my head, the more Spanish comes out the other side

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