Mailart 365
Making mailart every day since December 1st, 2010!

Mailart 365 has moved

Thanks for visiting Mailart 365. This site is an archive of mailart produced by artists doing mailart 365 from December 2010 to August 2016. As of July 2016, we moved to a new and more modern site at Come on over and check us out there


Mailart365 #2 by andytgeezer


Earlier, Camel mentioned that he was posting to Test Tower (The wonderful Heebeejeebee postbox is a favourite of mine too Camel) and JJ mentioned that she wished for some local postpals Down Under.

I decided to make this piece for someone very close to me.

Since starting this project, I've been utterly obsessed with creating mailart. Many of you have chatted to me at 2 in the morning, while my beautiful fiance slept.

I made this little piece for her because I wanted Elena to know that I haven't forgotten about her. While I'm up here making mailart and she's asleep downstairs, I miss her like crazy, and so this piece of work is hers. I don't intend to post it because I've written a message for her on the back and none of you guys get to see it!

Is it cheating not to post it in a box? I'm sure that nobody will hold this one against me...


Aw, shucks. I was delighted to get a message that elenatgeezer was now part of the group. That was THE sweetest thing to read. I'll be thinking of you as Mr and Mrs Geezer. Making mail art and many more beautiful things together until you are actually old geezers. mmmmmm.

you could always mail it to yourself...
i have done that before...

ooo... your so cute ...
I just vomited a bit... blurp....

Am I not the luckiest person?

Haha! I loved your "other" comment Camel! ;-)

Yeah Elena won me over really early. She knows how to tug at my heartstrings

Well you do have to put up with my constant mailart sillines...

Dude, anything you do to save on postage is a good thing! This project can really hurt the purse-strings.

u all keep talking about the cost....
I keep wondering why....
a postcard local US is 0.28 & international is 0.98 ....
thats $365 USD IF i send only international....
but that is like almost 750 euros huh...

Which one?


My postcards domestic are 64¢ because they are "non-machinable" so they have to get full first class postage and the 20¢ non-machinable fee. International is $1.18 with the 98¢ postage and non-machinable fee. I am budgeting for $400 in postage, because I have ideas for "postcards" that are going to have to go at an even higher rate international. Since my monthly postage budget was about $200 before I resigned my job, I think I'm probably going to be able to sell this project as a budget cut :-)

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