Mailart 365
Making mailart every day since December 1st, 2010!

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Thanks for visiting Mailart 365. This site is an archive of mailart produced by artists doing mailart 365 from December 2010 to August 2016. As of July 2016, we moved to a new and more modern site at Come on over and check us out there


Camel O'Rama: #5 Skull Design Submission

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***UPDATE 1/21/2011***
This placed 6th in the "Skull Design Contest 2010"

if you are not aware, Mim's son the the famous "skull-a-day" guy.

He has inspired me a lot since I found his blog ...
I got a nice e-mail from him when I submitted this MailArt to him for his blog:
Click the picture & view the image original size for detail...

papercut produced durring stencil making process..

recycled croissant box plastic
recycled wallpaper card stock
4x6 format


I also created cards with the stencil that resulted from Mim's postcard:
papercut produced durring stencil making process..

1 natural walnut ink & 1 Gris De Payne

365_5 - stencil Proof

I love that my son has inspired you, Camel. He inspires me, too.

if you look @ the brown one on flicker in the largest size - u will see that it is simulated small cut arterial blood spray....

Card arrived safely. Whew. The postal service didn't make it part of their collection. yay for me.

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