Mailart 365
Making mailart every day since December 1st, 2010!

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Thanks for visiting Mailart 365. This site is an archive of mailart produced by artists doing mailart 365 from December 2010 to August 2016. As of July 2016, we moved to a new and more modern site at Come on over and check us out there


Camel O'Rama..Special Edition...

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Created for my Brother-in-law.

It is his 1st x-mas away from the family & we missed him @ thanksgiving.
(Going to Harvard)
I created a little x-mas package...
I guess you could call it a "Care Package" cause we want to let him know that we care.

X-Mas MailArt

Hows that for mail art?

I went a little crazy to say the least...
A flat screen tv - custom floor lamp - custom rug - custom curtains - Belizian artifacts...

X-Mas MailArt

3 dimensional x-mas tree - custom x-mas package - a fireplace some fine art & working battery powered x-mas lights in the whole room.

X-Mas MailArt

All packaged up like an x-mas gift

X-Mas MailArt

I sent a letter in advance on how to "cut open box along the black lines carefully"

1 recycled box
recycled brass wire - Lamp & curtain rod
2 recycled tradeshow dice - lamp & 3D x-mas package
recycled batik material - curtains & rug
recycled wallpaper - dinner table
construction paper - walls & floor
recycled tattoo stencil paper - tv screen
recycled "us weekly" page - Yummy Turkey
auto body resin - Belize artifact reproduction

My b-in law got married in Belize and while we were out checking out sites, I somehow convinced the local site manager to allow me to make a copy of an artifact.

For some weird reason - I always carry some quick set, 2 part, RTV molding material with me everywhere I go.

My B-in Law has never seen this item & I am sure that it will make him like me even more!!!

This is wonderful, Camel! Harvard is mighty cold this time of year and this will warm the cockles of your brother-in-law's heart.

WOOOOOAH! What a storming piece!

That is without a doubt the most fabulous care package I have ever seen. I envy your brother-in-law!

Wow!! Luckiest brother in law ever! Brilliant idea!

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